WE ARE Jackson Hole: NWKW Makes Sanitizer for the Valley

WE ARE Jackson Hole: NWKW Makes Sanitizer for the Valley

NWKW founder, Corey Milligan, was vacationing in Italy when the coronavirus hit.
He saw how quickly and drastically everything can change two weeks ahead of most Americans
When he got back to Wyoming he was concerned about the disconnect between messaging from the CDC and the "business as usual" attitude among many in his community. So, in collaboration with other concerned Jacksonians he helped launch "We Are Jackson Hole." In addition to raising awareness about social distancing, the group geared up to produce and distribute 10,000 bottles of hand sanitizer in a week to distribute freely throughout the Teton Valley.
Check out this brief documentary to learn how NWKW stepped up to "Git'er Done"  in the face of the crisis.


"I was on the Teton County Search and Rescue Team for over ten years.Today, my friends from Search and Rescue are the head ER doc from our local hospital, the chief of the fire department and EMS... I realized that my friends were going to be on the front lines and take the brunt of this. And I just decided I needed to do everything I could to help. It's up to the young and the strong to protect the old and the vulnerable." Corey Milligan, New West KnifeWorks.


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